STAR POWER, the final novel in the SPYGAME Trilogy.
It traces the activities of a world-famous
actress, Irene Roman, who is a Soviet agent.
She started her career in the 1950s, when
the McCarthy Era was captivating America
and she uses her beauty and prominence to
infiltrate many areas usually closed to the
average Joe.
Her agent, Michael Walsh, part of the Popular
Front movement in the 30s and 40s, recruited
several stars for Party work as well as for
their acting. He used a dumb little blonde
named Estelle Murray until she learned too
much about a plan to do more than infiltrate
the movie industry with communist propaganda.
To push forward the Front's agenda, Walsh
blackmails a script reader from MGM, Lillian
Pritchard, a bit of a lush, who has an illegitimate
son by a famous Hollywood screenwriter, Sidney
Berman. Lillian is the only intelligent person
in Walsh's life besides the fellow-traveling
intelligentsia who are trying to make a statement
in American movies.
The commies are more than willing to let
the Hollywood Left write anything they want,
just send all that lovely money back to Moscow.
Irene arrives on the scene when more than
money is required. She marries a rising star
in Hollywood to get her foot in the door,
followed by a few other famous men whom she
uses. She even names a name during the HUAC
hearings. Talk about your red herrings. She
even marries the handsome American Ambassador
to India to try to disrupt Chinese-Russian
relations during the Vietnam War.
Master spymaker, Robert Mackenzie, runs into
her several times around the world, once
in Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring.
Because she looks like an old love, he finds
it hard to get her out of his mind, but when
he finds out she's a spy, he decides to use
her to America's advantage.
Irene and her cronies want to oversee the
ruination of America by weakening the moral
and mental fabric of the country. Her final
gambit is to assume the seat of a dead U.S.
Senator in a fixed election and press to
have America capitulate when four nuclear
weapons are planted on American soil by Chinese
dissidents. This is all done under the guise
of the United Nations becoming the dominant
world leader under the auspices of the newly
emerged United Soviet States. This allows
Russia to ride to our rescue and be granted
a "temporary" military presence
in this country. Mac, Elaine, Vasily Karpov,
and a Cuban who worked for Elaine's father
when he was a CIA agent in Cuba before the
Bay of Pigs, work together to close down
the Chinese threat before the final piece
can be put into play.
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